1,000 signatures reached
To: U.S. Congress
Congress: Don't cut taxes for rich people like me

Congress is now closer than it ever has been to passing one of the largest giveaways to the rich that our country has ever seen. We’ve been down this road before and it hasn’t worked. All it gave us was an ever-growing gap between rich and poor that’s going to be made worse by this legislation.
I can’t sit idly by and pretend that people of my class are not, by deception and chicanery, looking to increase their already absurd wealth and power by way of this tax reform process.
Sign and share this now to join me in stopping this #TaxScam. We’ve stopped legislation like this from moving forward before, but it has never gotten this far. We’re going to have to pull out all of the stops.
I can’t sit idly by and pretend that people of my class are not, by deception and chicanery, looking to increase their already absurd wealth and power by way of this tax reform process.
Sign and share this now to join me in stopping this #TaxScam. We’ve stopped legislation like this from moving forward before, but it has never gotten this far. We’re going to have to pull out all of the stops.
Why is this important?
Since the election of Ronald Reagan, the gap between rich and poor has grown dramatically and “trickle down” economics has turned out to cause more of a trickle up. But nothing has brought the problem of inequality into sharper focus for me than the current proposals by Republicans to overhaul the tax system.
The process has been rash, ill-conceived and opaque — all the things legislation of this much consequence should never be. And why? The hurry is purely political: Republicans badly need some sort of win for their benefactors, and they need it soon.
An attempt at so-called tax reform like the current one can be dressed up in the rational-sounding language of economics and finance, but tax policy is always, at its heart, an expression of our nation’s shared values and priorities.
The values and priorities expressed by the bills now being considered in Congress are so unlike those of my childhood as to be unrecognizable to me. I can’t sit idly by and pretend that people of my class are not, by deception and chicanery, looking to augment their already absurd wealth and power by way of this tax reform process.
Sign and share this now to join me in stopping this #TaxScam. We’ve stopped legislation like this from moving forward before, but it has never gotten this far. We’re going to have to pull out all of the stops.
The process has been rash, ill-conceived and opaque — all the things legislation of this much consequence should never be. And why? The hurry is purely political: Republicans badly need some sort of win for their benefactors, and they need it soon.
An attempt at so-called tax reform like the current one can be dressed up in the rational-sounding language of economics and finance, but tax policy is always, at its heart, an expression of our nation’s shared values and priorities.
The values and priorities expressed by the bills now being considered in Congress are so unlike those of my childhood as to be unrecognizable to me. I can’t sit idly by and pretend that people of my class are not, by deception and chicanery, looking to augment their already absurd wealth and power by way of this tax reform process.
Sign and share this now to join me in stopping this #TaxScam. We’ve stopped legislation like this from moving forward before, but it has never gotten this far. We’re going to have to pull out all of the stops.