500 signatures reached
To: Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan
#KeepErikHome: Ask Immigration to release him and allow him to stay with his family.

Review Erik Canton Cardenas' (A# 077113894) case and approve his stay of removal. Erik has many positive factors in his life that outweigh mistakes he's made in the past. Return him to his three citizen children (a step-son who is 18 and a 9 and 12 year old daughter) and his citizen wife.
Why is this important?
Erik has lived in the US for more than 15 years. As a young man in the 1990s he was a victim of a crime and he helped police convict the person who held a gun to Erik's head. After that traumatic event, Erik made some mistakes, one of which led to him being convicted of being involved in a theft. After those events, he cleaned up his life, married and had two children.
"Erik is the person who is always helping others. He never asks for help" says his youngest sister. Erik cares for and maintains the house of an elderly and disabled woman in his neighborhood. He's the first person his family calls when they need something. His daughters both need him, particularly as they face learning challenges and his support keeps them trying at school. His step-son also relies on Erik as a role model.
Please sign this petition to keep Erik with his family and to ask Immigration to look at his whole life, not just the mistakes he made so many years ago.
"Erik is the person who is always helping others. He never asks for help" says his youngest sister. Erik cares for and maintains the house of an elderly and disabled woman in his neighborhood. He's the first person his family calls when they need something. His daughters both need him, particularly as they face learning challenges and his support keeps them trying at school. His step-son also relies on Erik as a role model.
Please sign this petition to keep Erik with his family and to ask Immigration to look at his whole life, not just the mistakes he made so many years ago.
How it will be delivered
We'll be emailing the signatures to Immigration as well as delivering the signatures via Erik's lawyer on Tuesday.