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To: Louisiana House of Representatives
People of Faith Call on the Louisiana Legislature to Help the Poor, Stay Out of People's Bedrooms

As clergy and people of faith, we call on the Louisiana House of Representatives to repeal Louisiana code 14:89 -- the "sodomy law" -- and then move on to the real work that needs to be done so the state and all its people can live up to their full potential
Why is this important?
On April 15, 2014, the Louisiana House of Representatives voted 66-27 to retain a state law that bans sexual relations between consenting adults. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that such laws are unconstitutional, and they cannot be legally enforced.
During what is for many people one of the most sacred seasons of the year (Holy Week and Passover), Louisiana lawmakers decided that the best use of their time would be to make an official pronouncement against the 100,000+ Louisianans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and the millions more who love them.
Their vote means: "You are not welcome in Louisiana. If it were up to us, you would be fined thousands of dollars or put into jail for up to five years." Trying to extend the reach of government, they also said with their vote: "What you choose to do in your own bedroom is our business."
This is in violation of a central tenet of all our faith traditions -- to "love your neighbor." It is especially damaging to LGBT children, who like all children need to know that they are loved and respected as God's unique creations.
Louisiana lawmakers used their positions and taxpayer resources to express those intolerant and ignorant opinions, instead of focusing on the fact that Louisiana:
> Ranks second in terms of state poverty rates
> Has the nation's highest murder rate
> Has the highest incarceration rate in the world
> Stands to lose billions of dollars and refuse medical care to low income people by refusing to accept federal money to expand Medicaid
> Is slipping into the Gulf of Mexico at the rate of one football field per hour
The legislature's vote is not only mean spirited, it is also ironic: Many of these lawmakers are themselves guilty of the "sin of Sodom" as expressed in Ezekiel 16:49: "Sodom's sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door."
As clergy and ordinary people of faith, we call on the Louisiana House of Representatives to repeal Louisiana code 14:89 - the "sodomy law" - and then move on to the real work that needs to be done so the state can live up to its full potential:
> Help people to rise out of poverty
> Make our streets safe
> Keep people out of jail if they don't need to be there
> Accept federal money to expand Medicaid
> Save this beautiful land before it disappears into the sea.
During what is for many people one of the most sacred seasons of the year (Holy Week and Passover), Louisiana lawmakers decided that the best use of their time would be to make an official pronouncement against the 100,000+ Louisianans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and the millions more who love them.
Their vote means: "You are not welcome in Louisiana. If it were up to us, you would be fined thousands of dollars or put into jail for up to five years." Trying to extend the reach of government, they also said with their vote: "What you choose to do in your own bedroom is our business."
This is in violation of a central tenet of all our faith traditions -- to "love your neighbor." It is especially damaging to LGBT children, who like all children need to know that they are loved and respected as God's unique creations.
Louisiana lawmakers used their positions and taxpayer resources to express those intolerant and ignorant opinions, instead of focusing on the fact that Louisiana:
> Ranks second in terms of state poverty rates
> Has the nation's highest murder rate
> Has the highest incarceration rate in the world
> Stands to lose billions of dollars and refuse medical care to low income people by refusing to accept federal money to expand Medicaid
> Is slipping into the Gulf of Mexico at the rate of one football field per hour
The legislature's vote is not only mean spirited, it is also ironic: Many of these lawmakers are themselves guilty of the "sin of Sodom" as expressed in Ezekiel 16:49: "Sodom's sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door."
As clergy and ordinary people of faith, we call on the Louisiana House of Representatives to repeal Louisiana code 14:89 - the "sodomy law" - and then move on to the real work that needs to be done so the state can live up to its full potential:
> Help people to rise out of poverty
> Make our streets safe
> Keep people out of jail if they don't need to be there
> Accept federal money to expand Medicaid
> Save this beautiful land before it disappears into the sea.