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To: President Obama & Secretary Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security

Tell The Obama Administration: Stop Misael From Being Deported

Misael was granted a 6-month stay of removal! This protects him from deportation for six months and allows him to resume his life and work. Read more here

Close the deportation case of Eleazar Misael Perez Cabrera, and take executive action for all families facing deportation across the country. Until then, our church – Shadow Rock United Church of Christ in Phoenix, Arizona – will continue to provide sanctuary for Misael, a loving community member.

Why is this important?

Misael came to our church seeking sanctuary because he is facing deportation after being racially profiled and pulled over in Phoenix — he did not even receive a ticket for any traffic violation. Misael made the difficult journey to the U.S. from Guatemala 9 years ago to provide for his family. As the eldest child, he took on the responsibility to care for his parents and younger siblings, hoping to raise his family out of poverty and provide a path to higher education for his brothers and sisters in Guatemala.

Misael's drive and strong work ethic landed him a stable job as a roofer for the past 6 years, where his hard work and sweet spirit have made him a valued employee. His dedication to service extends beyond his family to his community here in Phoenix, where Misael serves as the keyboard accompanist during church services.

If Misael is deported back to Guatemala, it’s not just him who suffers injustice: Misael's parents and younger siblings lose the main provider for their household, his employer loses a valued worker, and his church and community will lose a beloved neighbor. Our church has offered Sanctuary as an emergency action inspired by our deepest faith values in the face of a broken and outdated immigration system. We will continue to provide Sanctuary to Misael while we ask the Obama administration to close or put a stay on his deportation order until he can obtain legal status.


Yes. Misael's consistent employment and commitment to his community make him eligible for “prosecutorial discretion” by ICE — they have the power to drop his deportation proceedings. But if current rumors of executive action hold true, Misael may not be eligible for deferred action when it comes. As President Obama gets closer to taking action, we need to push for compassionate reform that extends relief to all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in fear of separation by supporting those who may not qualify, like Misael.


Deportations that create the suffering of thousands of families are not a policy of God. God's work expands love, justice, peace, and joy in our lives and in our communities. That's why our congregation welcomed Misael into Sanctuary.

As people of faith, we stand with Misael and act with compassion and justice. All other political, economic, legal arguments and rhetoric fail in the light of this human being and his need.


Join us in asking Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson and the Obama administration to close or put a stay on Misael’s deportation order and to take immediate action to declare a moratorium on deportations.
Phoenix, AZ, United States

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2015-03-06 17:22:17 -0500

Petition is successful with 537 signatures

2015-03-04 12:50:50 -0500

Petition is successful with 535 signatures

2015-03-04 12:39:18 -0500

Good morning Groundswell! We have wonderful news to share. On Monday, Misael was granted a stay of removal that protects him from deportation for six months.

We've tried in this process to talk about cooperative advocacy... a way of standing firm in our convictions without forgetting that the people inside ICE and DHS are human beings too.

Blessings on Misael and on the two folks still in sanctuary churches - Arturo and Rosa. And peace to you all from Shadow Rock UCC.

2015-03-01 13:21:21 -0500

500 signatures reached

2015-02-27 11:51:24 -0500

Hello Groundswell folks!

A quick update on Misael and the status of this petition:

*Misael hit something of a milestone this week: 100 days in Sanctuary. His hope remains strong. We were blessed by a visit from folks from the Philadelphia Sanctuary Coalition, including Angela Navarro who won her case with a two year stay of removal.

*Also very exciting: we have an opportunity to deliver the signatures from this petition to decision-makers in DC in early March. On Tuesday evening, a dynamic group of Shadow Rock people, Misael, people from his new church Iglesia Pentecoste Siloe, and our Philadelphia visitors set a stretch goal for this petition: 2000 signatures by March 8.

Your sign-and-share can help us meet this goal!

Peace to you from Phoenix and Shadow Rock United Church of Christ.

2014-12-19 09:31:55 -0500

100 signatures reached

2014-12-07 17:35:43 -0500

50 signatures reached

2014-11-25 18:49:48 -0500

25 signatures reached

2014-11-20 17:27:31 -0500

10 signatures reached