To: The State of Indiana and the Federal Government in Washington D.C.

The MoveMeant-Ending gun violence one person at a time

We want them to address the concern of gun violence in Northwest Indiana. We want them to place laws into effect to reduce the ability to acquire hand guns and other firearms. We want the legislature of the State of Indiana and the Federal Government to address the issue of gun violence because people young and old are losing their lives everyday.

Why is this important?

This is important because people's lives are very important. It is personally important to me because my Dad Mr. Clarence Bibbs, Jr. was a hard-working citizen who had worked over 30 years in a local steelmill. He was also a Foreman for many years. My Dad's life tragically ended on July 2, 1997 due to gun violence. His murder has still not be solved. Gun violence hit home for me and I have decided that I must take a stand in his honor and pray that others will stand with me.

